Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) for users of the Member pages (Member pages are open only to Argyllshire Gathering members).
Argyllshire Gathering Members receive an email invitation to create an account allowing them access to the Member pages. If you are a Member and have not received an invitation, please contact
When you reply to the email invitation, you'll be asked to create your account including choosing your own password. For security, you'll also be requested to complete a simple visual "captcha" test to confirm that the reply is coming from you and not some "robot" system trying to misuse the account.
To login, click the Member pages link in the main navigation at the top of the site and enter your login email address and password.
Your account has already been assigned your first and last name. This name, which has been assigned automatically from Gathering membership records, is only visible to you. You are free to update the name however you wish - many Members have complex names and titles which are difficult to assign automatically. See How do I edit my account profile information below.
By default your account is private and no information about you is shared with other members. However, if you wish, you can add information about yourself including contact details to the Members Directory, which is published in the password protected Members area and is updated periodically. To add or edit such information to your profile, see How do I edit my account profile information below.
Click the "Member pages" link in the main navigation at the top of the site to open the login form. Click on the "Forgot password" link:
Fill in the form with your login email address - you will then be emailed a link to create a new password. Open the link you have been sent, enter your new password and click "Reset password". You can then login with the new password.
First, double check your spam or junk folder in your email software. If you are using a work computer, check with your IT support that emails from or domains are not being blocked - if so, you will need to ask for these domains to be "white listed".
If you are still unable to receive the email, please contact
If you are having trouble logging in and see a message to "make sure 3rd party cookies are enabled in your browser" then follow the instructions at this link for the Safari, Chrome, and Firefox browsers>.
Click the Member pages link in the main navigation at the top of the site to open the login form. Click on the "Forgot email" link:
Complete the "Forgot your email?" form, then click "Request help now". Technical support for the site will get back in touch with you presently.
Once you have logged in, click on My account in the main navigation at the top of the site to open your account profile. Click on "Edit your profile", see below:
Make the changes you wish and then click "Update profile" when finished.
Once you have logged in, click on My account in the main navigation at the top of the site to open your account profile. Click on "Change your email", see below:
Enter your new email address and your current password and the "Update email" when finished. You will be emailed a confirmation link to the new email address - click on the link to confirm the change.
Click on My account in the main navigation at the top of the site to open your account profile. Click on "Log out", see below:
Scottish Charity SC050614, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
(c) The Argyllshire Gathering TrustWebsite by Sea Pebble Ltd